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Showing posts from August, 2018

Wayback Machine Blog

Wayback Machine Blog I decided to compare Netflix for this blog because it is a long running service, and has changed their business structure sense 2008 so I thought it would be interesting. A big difference from the 2008 website is the simplification of the website. In 2008 the website had a lot of tabs and buttons, but in 2018 the website has been streamlined to make is simple to sign up.  Another difference is the color scheme used. In 2018 the colors are maroon red and black, but in 2008 they were using a white creme color.  The 2008 website has a big focus on renting DVDs, while the current website makes it clear that it is a video STREAMING platform.  On the new site all of the information about the site is simplified, while in 2008 there was a lot of writing to read through In 2008 the whole website was on one page but not you have to scroll to find any information All of the logos and fonts are new and designed for netflix