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Showing posts from December, 2017

Logo Design Project

Sketching      We began this project by watching a multitude of videos about the meaning of different shapes, and colors, and then started sketching out our ideas on traditional mediums (pencil and paper). After we came up with three ideas we were happy with, we took it to Adobe Illustrator to flesh out or concepts more. Using Illustrator      Now, from previous projects, I had more experience using Illustrator, so I was able to use some of what I learned to start mapping out some ideas. We started first with a black and white artboard, because if a logo doesn't work in black and white, it probably won't work in color. After getting a grasp on the shape I wanted my logo to be, I started experimenting with different colors, and seeing which combinations worked best. Below I've posted both the artboards, and the final design I decided on. Concepts/Final

Quater 2 Website

Website Click Here      For our Quarter 2 eComm Final we were tasked with building a website from a template provided by Mr. Olson. The goal was to create separate pages for a couple of our favorite projects, as well as stylize the website, as the provided template was very drab, and dull.       We used Adobe Dreamweaver to do the entirety of the project, some of which had to be done using popular programming language HTML. Even though we were guided through the process, there was a lot of room to experiment with different styles, and page formats which I ended up spending the majority of my time doing. I had used HTML before, and this project was a great opportunity for me to get some practice in, as well as learn a couple new things.       Hopefully in the future I will have the opportunity to engage in more creative projects like this one.